rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno


▸I’m Fawn, 21+, and go by she/they. I am in the Eastern Time Zone (UTC -5). I have no major triggers.▸I'm pretty socially awkward, and on top of that rather forgetful. ADHD and anxiety 'n all. On top of that, I have an adult life and I am currently in school. I try my best to keep up with everything, but sometimes I just don't have the mood or energy to directly speak to others. You're never bothering me if you send me a DM or IM and I don't reply.I am mutuals-only.▸Basic RP etiquette, of course. Godmodding, powerplay, etc., are a big no. Mun =/= muse. We all probably know. Talk to me about stuff. If you want permission to do something, or need clarification, I am more than happy to clear things up.▸ I won't interact with people who align with proshippers. And, while I am open to a variety of dark themes, I won't do noncon/rape, pedophilia, etc. I don't interact with people who roleplay incest ships (including adoptive/foster/step family.) I'm not personally comfortable with it, nor am I comfortable with people who do ship those kinds of things. I won't bother you but. It's not for me. Ever. There's a difference between having incest, or other dark topics, being a part of a muse's background vs. actively writing and shipping it. That's my hard line.▸ I tend to softblock for excessive amounts of negativity, or 6+ months of inactivity. This is not a full stop I'll never interact again, and you're free to follow again.▸There are people I would prefer to avoid and not be in the same circles in. If I softblock you for seemingly no reason, that's probably the reason why. If you want to ask, you can, but otherwise I'm just going to quietly cater to my own space.▸General respect and courtesy is expected. You be nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. We be nice to everyone in the RPC, all good. I do not condone drama and anon hate. I won't stand for discrimination based on someone's race, sexuality, gender, physical/mental health, or disability.▸If I find out about people sending anon hate, that's an instant hard block. Harassment is scummy and I don't want to be around anyone who has done it or facilitated it. When it comes to people in the community who are shitty, leave them to their corner, completely greyrock them. They don't deserve to live in your head.

▸Don't hold back. Solita can and will instigate, push buttons, and boundaries. However, I’d like any fights to be discussed OOC.I am of age, but smut will probably be sparse, although it will be referenced to frequently. Sex is a topic that's pretty heavily tied to Sol, but I will only delve into that with 18+ muns and muses.▸Multiship/Multiverse. Ships, of course, come with chemistry, although I can be kind of picky about that. I would like to have at least somewhat of a relationship OOC and be able to plot ships out. Solita is a flirt and also is not opposed to one-night stands, friends-with-benefits, or just casual sex. But obviously, I am more than happy to develop entirely platonic, familial, hateful, etc relationships just as much as any romantic or sexual ones.▸When it comes to my lore for Solita, especially that revolving around incompatibilities with magic, it is not a 100% deal that she will be incompatible and something will go wrong. This can be talked out, or this is the one thing I will give executive decisions to my partners over. Sometimes parts of characters get in the way of threads, and if a magic disaster upon being in the same room is one of them, we can chalk it up to magic being too different to Sol's problem.▸This character has very strong ties to with various triggering topics like: mental illness, the horror of immortality, suicide, suicide ideation, self-harm, drowning, thalassophobia, depersonalization, the cycle of abuse, trauma bonds, the loss of autonomy, hypersexuality, cosmic horror, existential horror, psychological horror, gore, murder, and more.Dark humor will be present. Jokes about Solita getting injured, her dying, her mental health (and refusal to get help), or about Solita generally being uncaring for her health will be present, but tagged.▸Posts with triggers in them will be tagged accordingly, as often as i catch em. I have a general tag for things that may be triggering, I'm just not sure what it's under: ‘trigger warnings may apply’. If there’s a trigger that i forgot to tag, or would like me to tag feel free to roll by my inbox or IMs!▸The majority of the edits that I use are made by me. Any other art is usually made by me, or probably made for me. Unless given permission I'd prefer not to have other people using them, thank you!▸My sources for faceclaims and icons for Solita are from: Yancha Gal No Anjou-San, Eniale and Dewiella, Soloist In A Cage, Chief Kishi Mieko, custom icons by a friend who asked to not be named, my own art, as well as verse-specific icons for games with custom protagonists.


nostomannia - Active OC blog for Solita Raiserpathomannia - mid-activity multimuse for original lore and OC's

uranomannia - Low-activity OC blog for Isabelle Acheflourmythomannia - Low-activity multimuse for canon characters

a bird rarely seen on earth, and very much resembling a black swan

Name: Solita RaiserNickname/alias(s): Sol, KiwiPronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Pansexual, feminine leaningAge: She looks to be in her mid-twenties. In reality, outside of a few individuals, Solita is older than anyone whom she may come across.Voice Claim: Eva Nobelzada

Positive traits: Vivacious, confident, energetic, curious, diligent, intelligent, creative, adaptable, loyal.Likes: Earrings, art, traveling, learning, music, journaling, camping, hobby-hopping, strawberries,Skills: Painting, drawing, music, singing, instruments, acting, profiling, weaponry, long-ranged weapons, hand-to-hand combat, adaptability

Negative traits: Stubborn, proud, cocky, secretive, over-friendly, mistrustful, pushy, self-loathing, unpredictable, self-destructive, vindictive.Dislikes: The nickname Kiwi, having to sit still, the cold, being controlled, falling, swimming,Fears: Large bodies of water, drowning, failure, being alone, being abandoned, the unseen, the unknown, being forgotten, forgetting, Deity.

Appearance: Solita stands at 5'5"/165cm, weighing 210lbs/95kg. An olive-skinned woman, both chubby and muscular due to years of physical activities and bad habits. Broad-shouldered, a soft stomach, wide hips, thick thighs, and large bust.Her hair is curly, cut in an asymmetric bob that’s grown out, and dyed auburn and green with black roots showing. Her hair colors have been compared to the colors of a kiwi, much to her dismay. Her hair is well-fried from many bleaching sessions and rounds of hair dye, so it's not as curly as it may have been naturally. It's incredibly soft, as Solita takes good care of her hair to make sure it isn't a dry and straw-like texture.Her eyes are hazel; blue-green with brown around her pupils, and are sleepy-looking. Sol has multiple piercings on her ears, two on her lobe, a helix, and a conch piercing on her right ear, while on her left she has three on her lobe, an industrial, and a daith. She's often wearing unusual earrings, which she often changes daily.Art of her will be under this tag. Here is an SFW reference for Solita + some of her outfits, and Here is an NSFW one.

Personality: A whimsy woman who seems to always be high on life and never able to sit still. Solita seems like the typical ray of sunshine type of person, with her head well above the clouds. Rarely seen without a smile on her face and always brimming with energy. Always looking for an adventure, especially when she can rope others into them. She’s a bit overly friendly, crossing boundaries and an open flirt. More often than not, Solita tries to laugh off any uncomfortable situation and inconveniences rather than linger and let them root in her life.Solita always seems to be brimming with self-confidence in her abilities, and in her looks. It's hard to truly bring her down. But she's also incredibly proud and doesn't turn down a challenge or people doubting her ability. Always independent, and always wanting to learn, Solita does everything she can with her own two hands and prides herself on being a jack of all trades. She hobby-hops a lot to make time to try something new.If she gets invested enough in someone she's loyal to a fault. Whether a friendship or otherwise, she has an unwavering attachment to those she comes to like, although it can also backfire. She's overly forgiving towards those she trusts, even if they hurt her, she's willing to smile and brush it off.In spite of her airheaded facade, Solita is shockingly intelligent. Observant and resourceful, she usually knows how to make the most of a situation at any given time. She’s an avid and quick learner, always looking to put her hands into something new. She knows a lot, she can do a lot, and she’s very confident in that fact. Solita is very skilled in analyzing others. If she can get any use out of others, Sol will try to manipulate them.Solita is ruled by her gut feeling, and she will trust that first and foremost. She’s a split-second and unpredictable decision-maker. She’s extremely stubborn, very proud, and incredibly resilient, it takes a really good reason for her to change her mind. If she thinks she’s right or justified, she won’t change her course until she’s proven wrong.Underneath that, Solita is a disaster. Filled with self-hatred, always swallowing down her anger and replacing it with a smile. Haunted by the things she did and still does. Completely self-destructive and uncaring of her well-being. Purposely sabotaging everything that may be good around her, but still ever-chasing anything good. But, this is a side she will never let anyone see without a fight, and even asking her or calling her out on it will only cause her to get defensive. Even then, Solita is scared of being hated and abandoned. She’s scared of being forgotten. But she's also afraid of being known, terrified of connection. She's scared of making connections and having to hurt people she comes to love. If she’s close enough to someone the idea might be enough to make her collapse.Solita can be rather vindictive with those she feels wronged her, as well as an unforgiving streak with those who are associated with her work. She will taunt and instigate individuals. She will start showing a sadistic streak, and even start reveling in the fear and pain she may cause these people. She’s quietly so angry, and sometimes it shows itself in the worst of places. Solita is no stranger to brutality and causing prolonged suffering, even being able to do so with a smile.

Background: Solita, herself, is often quite confused about her background.She can say rather conflicting things and often hesitates to talk at all about it.She remembers being a lonely child.She remembers drowning.She remembers being approached by someone who offered something she so desperately wanted. A chance to alleviate her painful loneliness. Holding out a hand, they told her, "I won’t let you be alone again, in return you just have to do as I tell you." It was an offer Solita didn't refuse.

Other info:

Drifting -
Solita drifts between worlds. Jumping between alternate timelines at the whim of another being.

Knowledge and Experience -
Sol has a good grasp on almost anything you put in her hands or make her do. It isn’t perfect knowledge most of the time, but it’s enough for her to survive.
Her intuition is sharper than most. Specific knowledge for given worlds (EX: magic systems, histories, etc) can depend, but generally, it’s not as expansive unless she’s overtaken a body of a Solita from that specific world.

Origin Soul - Solita's soul is an original- coming from a world that all of the multiverse stems from. A soul of endless possibility. A black hole. She is what all other versions of Solita may stem from. Sol's soul is in it of itself a singularity that'll slowly eat alive any version of herself that has the misfortune of getting too close. And the Origin will just grow and grow the more it comes into contact with fractions of itself.There's several original worlds, and they uphold reality. Each one has it’s own creator. Sol’s original world is one of them, which was created by Deity. Original worlds are basically cut off from the multiverse, nothing can leave and nothing can enter. In Sol’s case, because she died in the Origin world, it gave Deity the opportunity to drag that soul out of the Origin world, but also she can never return to it. Deity cannot enter the world they created due to being essentially overthrown, and supposedly dead. They only managed to escape alive by shattering themselves.The splitting of worlds, creating the multiverse, was the unintended side effect to the creation of the original worlds. The creators are not interested in the worlds that split.With each split, the connection to the original world gets muddled. Things change little by little, until one is unrecognizable from the place it started. Souls from worlds that split aren’t going to pull very hard at an alternate self because of how removed they really are from each other. However, an Origin is going to violently pull at souls from the splits because all splits are direct results of them.

Souls -
There’s many complications with Solita’s soul. Well, souls, more specifically. Being from an original world, she’s what all other versions of Solita branch from. All other versions of Solita and their souls are essentially magnetized to this Origin soul. But, because each new soul is still technically a different person, the soul will never truly come back to the original. The number of souls within her due to dying and overtaking other versions of herself put her on par with that of a divine being. Though, Solita does not have any way to harness that herself normally.
But because Solita has no control over the power she holds, it sometimes finds it way out on its own. Solita is cautious about magic and any item that may be imbued with magic. Sometimes putting it in her hands, or even just her presence, can end up giving more power than intended to the items. It can end up being a stronger effect, to just flat-out blowing up in her face.With her very peculiar case, the original soul has been tethered to another soul that seems to be in tatters. That particular soul has been attached to the Origin soul for long enough that it’s permanently fused to it.The sheer amount of souls also makes her immune to most passive forms of magic, such as mind control or curses. Anything that can manifest in a physical form (EX: Fire; wind; shields etc.) will act as intended.One of the major side effects is sometimes the souls can get out of hand, especially if Solita recently died and is in a new body. The body rejects the soul and starts tearing itself apart. For Solita, it’s a slow process that isn’t noticeable until it all starts collapsing at once. It’s a very painful experience that will slowly kill her. Usually, it’s an issue taken care of before it gets to that point. But sometimes, things slip through the cracks or are purposefully ignored. I explain in detail here


Contract With a Broken Deity -
Her situation is a result of getting tangled in a deal with a rather powerful being. It’s a deal that Solita will talk about and say it’s quite silly, although she rarely talks about what the deal actually is.
Solita does as the deity asks. Most of what which is for the sake of other deals they make, she takes care of most of the dirty work involved. Whether it be pushing for their side to be upheld, making sure a certain thing happens, and, more usually for her, someone’s death.The only thing that could be noted by people who can see beyond illusions or are divine in some way, is that Deity is often very nearby to Solita. The only times they will disappear is if Solita is in another’s company. Sometimes Deity makes deals specifically to help benefit Solita in some way. Whether it be lending her a place to stay, having money ready for her once she appears in their world, to being an extra hand at dredging up information as needed.Solita has notebooks detailing the people she’s been assigned to handle, filled with names, dates, what their deals may be, and other pages full of information specifically regarding those people that she can get her hands on. Usually, these are hidden in the places that she’s currently residing.Deity tries to be actively helpful for Solita. They can direct Solita as she needs, let her know about any trouble, even down to correcting Solita’s aim in a pinch. If Solita asks about certain individuals that specifically cannot see Deity, they can give a lot of information about them. Most individuals Sol asks about are either ones in her way or ones that Deity has specifically directed her to kill.Solita’s feelings on Deity are complicated. She’s scared of them, she despises them. She has attacked them in the past, and actively crippled their plans at points. But she’s also quite defensive of Deity. She will get in between them and anything threatening them of her own volition. She’ll brush most of the blame people try to place on them back onto herself. Trying to say it was her own choice to get involved, so she’s solely to blame.

Immortality -
Solita is incredibly old. With originating from an Original world, her age can rival some worlds on their own. Every time she dies, her mind only inhabits alternate bodies of herself. She takes the body of an alternate “self”, and she takes their memories, identities, and even souls with her. The body struggles to grapple with a new invasion of memories of so many people, leaving her confused, unfocused, and in so much pain that all she really wants to do is find somewhere to rest.
Solita ages quite slowly. Due to the nature of her body, and her drifting, her own world ran at a slower time than most others, due to being what’s considered an Original world.The “internal clock” that makes her age, and grow in many ways, is still running at that time of her original world. Even while her consciousness runs at the same speed as the world she’s currently inhabiting does. Of course, she does change little by little since some worlds can run slower than others. But they’re rarely notable, and rarely stay. She is capable of dying and knows this quite well.

Heightened body -
Solita has deceptive strength, speed, and resilience that surpass her outward appearance. Her physical durability allows her to withstand substantial punishment, making her more resistant to harm than the typical human. Enhanced senses contribute to her heightened strength, speed, and stamina, enabling her to take on more than meets the eye.

Understanding of Reality and Minor Manipulations -
Solita possesses an intimate understanding of the intricate layers that compose the fabric of reality. To her, the universe is not a singular, monolithic entity but an amalgamation of individual layers.
While she can step through layers, her ability to maniplulate it is rather minor. She can use it to move somewhat faster, become less distinguishable, and even predict very near-future events like the paths of projectiles.


Beneath the hood a cold hand beckons

Name: ???Nickname/alias(s): Deity, as called by SolitaPronouns: Any.

Sexuality: AceAge: Older than existence itself.Voice Claim: Dormin,

Positive traits: Calm, methodical, forethinker,Likes:Skills:

Negative traits: Spiteful, stubborn, abstract,Dislikes:Fears:

Appearance: Deity’s appearance is enigmatic. It can be painful to attempt to look directly at them, a strain for a person’s body, mind, and soul. The only thing people do know is that there’s someone there. A body, a consciousness.Personality:
If there's one way to describe Deity's personality, it's that they are a force of nature more than they are a living being. They are someone who lives far above the living. They don't understand what it's like living a life, having emotions, or to even have a tangible body. Their outlook can be rather cold, missing the emotions behind attachment and sentimentetality, even while it remains something they seem endeared by when seeing such emotions from Solita.
Seeming to always carry a rather calm demeanor, and difficult to discern emotions. Solita can pick up what they’re feeling quite easily compared to most. Deity is very oriented to one goal and that goal only. Everything else is secondary to it. Including Solita. They do care for her wellbeing, even viewing her as a child in some manner. But they don't fully understand what they put her through. They don't understand having emotions, being a living thing with needs; to be human but to last as long as she has. She's the dying creature too beloved to be let go to them.They’re a proud and rather petty individual. Being insulted is a slight they will not quickly forget. They hold onto grudges, and will get their comeuppance.Background:
Deity is the shattered fragments of the consciousness ruling over an Origin world. A universe in which helped spawn the multiverse as it is. Almost all other worlds within the multiverse trace back to this Origin. In particular, this world that Deity ruled over, was one that Solita was from. One day, they had an unexpected visitor that was backed by another being who was quite similar to Deity, another ruler of an Origin world. Mistakenly trusting this other, they were tricked, and shattered. Assumed dead, by the others.
Now, Deity wanders the different worlds, unable to re-enter any of the Origin worlds. They’re shattered pieces, multiple bodies all wandering, and sharing the same mind and experiences no matter where they might go.Their final goal is to return to their true state. To their creation, their home. and they will take any road they have to in order to get there.

Other info:

Shattered god -
Deity is a hivemind of countless pieces of themselves. Some are bigger than others, and somewhat more powerful. Generally, none of them can interact with the world around them. But, with more powerful shards they can affect the world around them in small ways.
Killing Deity will end any deals that specific shard Deity had. So if anyone wanted to kill them and get Solita out of the deal she has with them, that person has to find that specific Deity who has the deal with her. And often, the different shards tend to circulate, since there’s more than one version of Solita this Deity is in charge of.

Control of Solita -
Because of the nature of Deity’s deal with Solita, outside of controlling her mind and actions, they basically hold all power over her. They can affect her body as they please, they can change her soul as they want. Although, they are cautious about it due to her souls being volatile and often in quite a delicate balance.
Body-wise they can change it within the limitations of her body. Tearing her apart from the inside out, healing her, making her stronger, forcing her to drown in her own blood.They have complete control of how her body functions, but they have no control over her mind.

Here's a basic description of the multiverse || And some extra info
A small ramble about Sol and Deity's relationship || Here's a second one.

Invisibility -
Deity can appear and disappear from the sights of most ordinary people. Those who are connected to the divine, descended from divinity, or have any other ability that allow them to see things not normally meant to be seen are able to, will be able to see them.

Dealmaking -
They’re there to watch for opportunities and make their deals with people. When Deity makes deals with people, any other world that may split from the decisions of that one person is basically under Deity’s control. When the person under Deity’s control dies, every world connected to that specific version of the person more or less gets destroyed and turned into energy that Deity can then take themselves.
Many of the deals they take are short-term, giving the other what they want for a limited period before they eventually are hunted down and killed by Solita or another person who may be working for Deity. However, there are some longer deals, like with Solita. If deals span on longer with no definite end, Deity has more control over that individual. However, in most normal situations where there's an indefinite deal, the one who is being benefited from the deal will slowly lose themselves as Deity takes their life little by little, until they eventually become a husk or die by other means.




Undetermined verse. Like a Petal on a Stream
Can be developed OOC, but general assumptions can be made about the verse. She will be a painter, and typically have ties with the underworld.

Modern Artist Verse. With Songs From Another World
A prodigy from a small town. She was a jack of all trades, and mastered of many of them. As she grew into adulthood, she became burnt out from all the expectations and grew a bit of a rebellious streak. While still rather close to her family, who were disappointed by the fact she dropped everything but understanding, she chose to pursue her passions. At this time, she was living with her parents, she suddenly changed. While the girl seemed to be the same, her parents sensed something different. This was their child, but there was something very, very wrong about her. As if someone else who had her face was now living with them.
Then, suddenly, the girl left with barely a goodbye. Abandoning the hometown she grew up in, and cutting out everyone she grew up with.Now, she owns a seemingly unassuming art studio and oil painting business. To the casual observer, it appears to be a sanctuary for creativity, a place where vivid colors come to life on canvas. Yet, behind the façade of artistic expression and creative passion, a hidden world thrives, one that delves into the realm of secrets, information, and the shadows of the criminal underworld.While she crafts beautiful paintings for clientele, her true artistry lies in deception, her studio serving as the perfect front for her dealings. While commissions pour in for her paintings, Solita discreetly takes on contracts of a different kind. Her clients include power players, influential figures, and shadowy entities who seek her expertise in obtaining the unobtainable.

Modern Crime Verse. Isn’t This What You Wanted?
In the shadowy underbelly of the criminal world, there exists an enigmatic figure, wrapped in mystery and cloaked in anonymity, is the mastermind behind a criminal empire that casts a long, unyielding shadow over the criminal underworld.
Infamous for her unrelenting determination, Solita is known to be utterly ruthless when it comes to achieving her objectives under the alias of "Black Swan." Her reputation as a relentless force has left a trail of shattered alliances and a growing body count in her wake.Despite her elusive nature, she commands a vast and intricate network of loyal operatives and informants. Her network spans across all strata of society, from street-level thugs to high-powered officials, granting her access to information, resources, and favors at a moment's notice.Solita also operates as a formidable information broker, delving into the darkest secrets of the city's elite and selling them to the highest bidder. Her uncanny ability to unearth hidden truths and manipulate the secrets of the powerful makes her a formidable adversary and a valuable ally in the world of espionage.

Goddess Verse. The Swan Outlaws All Possible Questioning
Solita reigns as an enigmatic deity, the Mistress of Falsifiabilities and the Unexpected. She is the embodiment of paradoxes and a cosmic observer of the outliers in the tapestry of existence.
She exists beyond the boundaries of conventional understanding, dwelling in the shadowy realms of the unexplained. Her divine presence defies categorization, challenging mortals to embrace the mysteries of the cosmos and explore the infinite possibilities hidden within the unknown.

Art Teacher Verse. A Canvas May Speak To The Soul

Apocalypse verse. The World Burns But Still We Breathe

Fantasy Traveller Verse. Marionette; Are your strings tied tight for proper movement?
A wandering vagabond, a bounty hunter, and an illusive soul. Never allowing herself to grow roots in any one place for long. Instead, she thrives on the thrill of the unknown, making fleeting connections and gathering what she needs before vanishing into the horizon.
Solita doesn't carry much with her from one place to the next, but at least stays well-armed. Her arsenal includes daggers, an arming sword, and a crossbow.To help her get from one town to the next, she has a simple dark bay draft horse that she named Sombra.She's not above using blackmail and manipulation to extract the information and resources she needs to continue her wanderings and for those who Deity has her hunt.

Fantasy Artist Verse. Fell In the Circle of the World like a Flower Bud
What happens when the dead come back to life? Well, that's not exactly what happened to her. Solita found herself in the middle of a rather wealthy family who had a daughter who looked almost exactly like her- A daughter who unfortunately passed.
Solita doesn't have the heart to leave behind this obviously grieving family. The death of the daughter is still mostly a secret outside of the household. The lie becomes that she's going through a rebellious streak.Continuing the deceased daughter's passion for painting, Solita not only keeps her memory alive but also builds on her artistic legacy. She's on the road to becomeing a renowned artist, specializing in portraits.

Abandoned verse. Dead Walking Silhouette
Deity's mission is completed. And because of that, they've turned their back on Solita, now that their deal is at an end. She's alone now, left to aimlessly wander whichever world they left her behind in. Lost and more broken in spirit than ever.
Not the same vibrantly expressive and talkative woman who she used to be. Now, she's unkempt, near-expressionless, and doesn't speak at all. Aimless and meek. Uncaring for her own well-being.Desperate for any kind of companionship, even if it's at her own detriment.

Court of the Wanderer. Where Every Paradox Means Wonder
Group verse. Offered a chance to get away from Deity by Hriob, even if only briefly, Solita couldn't help but take it. Even while filling her time within the Court of the Wanderer as the strewardess, there is a quiet restlessness in her.

Apostate verse. Crazed and Calm With A Sinner's Psalm

Angel Verse. Which Heaven to Gaudy Day Denies
A child of heaven, stolen from her home. Solita had died, and it was decided that she would take on a greater purpose in death as an angel who enacts judgement. While she may have minor doubts of how heaven may enact it's will, and how sinners are judged, she was rather happy where she was.
She was visited by them one day. A day where memories not her own were forced upon her, and she ended up barred from the heavens, although not stripped of her power. Deity was a force that those above wanted to keep complacent, for the sake of a greater good, Solita was a bargaining chip to keep things as orderley as possible.Once again, Solita lives among the living, though quite different from when she was alive. Having to work at Deity's whim, she attempts to disassociate herself from it as much as possible.



Genshin Impact Verse. These Stories Have a Way of Telling Themselves
Once again, she stole the life of another self. A girl born in Fontaine, she was enthralled in the ever-present arts and happily partook in it all. Always buried in any new thing she comes across. Learning to make things with her own two hands, learning the ins and outs of the creativity and work of those around her seemed to only bolster her. Ambitious to carve her own niche and know how to do as much as she can, how to be on her own two feet.
Then came the day Solita took over. Even if she had no work for Deity in this world, she decided to cut herself off from her family, so as to not possibly draw suspicion that something happened to their child. Using her paintings she made a decent sum of money for herself and left to travel, making excuses for wanting to widen her own horizons. Although Solita keeps little contact with that family, she does occasionally send paintings of places she has visited, just to keep any anxieties at bay.She uses a sword normally, and she carries a dendro vision, although she often doesn't use it.Without Deity's work, Solita spends her time painting and traveling through the regions to find a variety of plants and minerals to turn into pigments and paint, and new landscapes and people to put to canvas.She is also an Adventuerer, doing commissions for income when her paintings aren't making enough.More detail

Servant Fate Verse. Save This Whereout She Crushes for Dead Men Deadly Wine
A rather peculiar pseudo-servant. Having been approached by a Divine Spirit, Solita agreed to allow the goddess of spring to possess her body. This was possible due to the extremely unique situation Solita has, making her quite compatible with this Divine Spirit, and possibly any she may come into contact with. Because of this situation, Deity is avoiding Solita. Normally Solita is in control of her own body, but sometimes the Divine Spirit takes control with her agreement.
More detail

Master Fate Verse. Subtle Lies Led By Starving Eyes

VNC Verse. A Muddled Shade of Paint
Solita's main profession is painting with a quiet reputation for her work. She owns an art studio where she keeps most of her materials. Although she seems to rarely be there as she travels to her clients for commissions.
Much like in her other verses, Sol has a network she created for the ease of finding those who deal with Deity. Painting for clients can sometimes be a cover to swap any information.

BG3 Verse. Among The Water Blurring My Emptiness
A once-promising artist faced a near-death experience when she found herself on the brink of drowning. In the darkest moment of her life, she made a desperate pact to save herself. A mysterious patron offered her a lifeline in exchange for becoming an instrument of their will in the mortal realm.
When Solita drifted into this body, there was somewhat of a learning curve that came with it. Otherwise, things as conventional as they could be for Solita. That was, until one day.More detail

Code Vein Verse. Like A Mannequin Adrift At Sea
It was mostly uneventful at first, running errands for Deity until the Great Collapse, managing to survive until the failed project QUEEN, where she was killed. Deity decided the world and the deals within were a lost cause, the Drifter was not returned to that world.
Her corpse was turned into a Revenant, although she took some time reviving, making her a third-generation. After some time of learning what had happened in the time she had died, she left the shelter she was placed in. Living on her own, bayonet in hand and wondering what now?Slowly, she's coming to realize that somehow, becoming a Revenant has created a loophole in her deal with Deity. She now exists freely without their orders, although she's not entirely happy about that outcome.

Magi Verse. You've Got a History On Your Breath
An artist who takes pride in her multifaceted skills. Although, one that's hard to reach if you don't know where to look.

TBA. I'm always open to ideas


Deity. The Faceless Man Who Would Not Love Me
Solita's relationship with Deity is a very long-lasting and complicated one. They approached her as a lonely little girl, taking her away from a family who she thought didn't love her. Under the agreement of 'do as I say and you won't be alone again,' Deity became Solita's new parent in her eyes. Things became even more messy when Deity took advantage of Solita's Origin soul, permanently tying it to the girl they had a deal with.
Now, Solita's feelings on Deity are twisted and confusing. She hates them. She loves them. She fantasizes for their demise, while also being willing to put herself in harm's way for them. She's terrified of them, avoiding getting on their bad side, often in their presence she'll attempt to make herself as noninvasive as possible. But she's still quite unhealthily attached. Solita will panic at even the idea of losing them or being given the silent treatment by them.As well as being her tormentor, they are her solace.

Leon. fctedivided. You're All I Wish To Be


Bianka. pathomannia. I'll Be Your Forget Me Not
Bianka and Solita are less than lovers, but more than friends. Solita repressing most of her romantic feelings, but still being rather attached. Bianka, having little real experience with relationships outside of family, struggles to keep up with her sometimes. But the romantic tension between them is near-palpable.
Solita is hesitant to be close to Bianka, even while Bianka is gently trying to push Solita to open up. The dynamic is heavily skewed by Solita, who sometimes runs Bianka in circles in an attempt to keep her at arm's length. The two keep with a friends with benefits relationship, and Solita often relies on Bianka for shelter, some financial support, and even simply learning about the world that she's currently caught up in.As time goes on, the relationship only becomes more tangled. Especially when Deity starts to interfere and putting suggestions and ideas in Solita's head.

Briar. here Last Blood-Drop of That Truant Heart

Sombra. here Days Without Shadow Are Days Without Sun

Crowned with calm leaves, she stands

Servant Name: Persephone
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height/Weight: 165 cm/95 kg
Origin: Greek Mythology
Goddess’ Essence EX
Double Summon C
Riding D
Territory Reconstruction A+

Class: Rider
Attribute: Sky
Strength: B
Agility: B+
Luck: C
Endurance: A
Mana: EX
Noble Phantasm: A

Adesius Arma: While not something that truly belongs to Persephone, she is the one who most pertains to the chariot with the story of her kidnapping. In which Hades erupted from the Earth, he snatched Persephone away from the fields where she wandered and away from her loving mother.
The chariot is gold, accented with black. Drawn by four pitch-black horses, Orphnaeus, Aethon, Nyctaeus, and Alastor. Unreal in the light of day, existing like shadows. When she calls it forth, much like her abduction had been described, it erupts from the ground, causing a huge crevice in the Earth, which closes as quickly as it appears without a trace to say the ground had opened in the first place.
Garden of the Dread Queen: Persephone, goddess of both spring and the underworld. The world around Persephone begins to wilt, much like it would when Demeter felt despair when her child left to be in the underworld for half the year. From her hands she brings forth seeds. Poppy, pomegranate, narcissus, amongst many others. The world becomes quiet, sleepy.Stygian Sleep C: Persephone can manipulate the power created by the murky waters of the River Styx, which is also known as the essence of the Underworld. Known to be the boundary between life and death, she fully realized this power while trying to get back at Aphrodite by using Psyche to deliver a “beauty potion” to her. Along the way, Psyche instead had been affected by this and went into an unmoving torpor. While lessened within the limits of being a Servant, she can manipulate it into sending her opponents into a deep lethargy.Goddess of Spring A: The daughter of Demeter, inheriting her power from the goddess of grains and fertility. Along with her absence causing both fall and winter she became known as the Goddess of Spring, in which she presided over recreating the life from the barren land her mother’s despair brought. Bringing fertility to the earth and animals, and bringing the green grass and trees, and the flowers back from the dead. But, she can take away as much as she can give. She has complete power over the plants, allowing to grow with her whims.Mistress of the Underworld B: Much like her husband, she reigned over the Underworld and could control it.

The Drifter


Great Old One

Background: Guild Artisan
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

: Proficiencies
Investigetion, Animal Handling, Insight, Deception, Persuasion

A once-promising artist. A girl from Baldur's Gate who was ever the social butterfly but also infuriatingly stubborn. While she did have friends, she did more often find herself tangled in bad situations and making enemies. Maybe she irritated the wrong person.She should have drowned that day. In a desperate bid for survival, she accepted the whispered offer in her head, an otherworldly presence that extended a chance for her to escape the clutches of the drowning sea. Awakening on a beach, gasping for air, she discovered she had traded one kind of existence for another. She agreed to serve as a proxy for her patron, hunting down individuals in the material plane. This pact bound her to Deity but also gave her access to new powers that would help fulfill her new patron's wishes.She treads the thin line between the will of her patron and her own sense of agency. But she continues to trail after them, knowing that she's living on the time that they provided to her. No longer living in one place and pursuing her love of the arts and painting, the girl became a traveler, under the guidance of Deity.When Solita found herself in this body she was a little irritated, unsure of the new powers that came from this contract that Deity had made with this body. She did settle in and start to enjoy them after a learning curve, and soon settled in a similar routine she does in any world she visits.It was a normal day, or at least, as normal as a day could be in her life while contracted to Deity. In Baldur's Gate making some connections when she was caught on the Nautiloid ship and infected with a tadpole. That threw a wrench in both her and Deity's plans. Despite her inclination to end her life and rid herself of the parasite, Deity forbade such action, as it would sever the pact granting her powers as a warlock. Bound by her patron's decree, Solita faced a precarious predicament, unable to die by her own volition as long as the tadpole remained dormant within her.

Hit Points 87
Armor Class 11
Initiative +1
Movement Speed 9m / 30ft

Eldrich Blast
Minor Illusion
Vicious Mockery
Thorn Whip
Blade Ward
True Strike
Charm Person
Arms of Hadar
Dissonant Whispers
Speak With Animals
Ray of Sickness
Chromatic Orb
Cure Wounds
Hold Person
Cloud of Daggers
Gaseous Form
Hunger of Hadar
Animate Dead
Call Lightning
Speak With Dead
Dimension Door
Evard's Black Tentacles
Hold Monster
Arcane Gate

Darkvision Range 24m / 80ft
Size Medium
Weight 75kg / 150lbs
Carrying Capacity 175kg / 350lbs

Civil Militia
Human Versatility
Beguiling Influence
Agonising Blast
Pact of the Tome
Deepened Pact
Beast Speech
Book of Ancient Secrets
Whispers of the Grave
Devil's Sight
Mortal Reminder
Entropic Ward
Thought Shield: Psychic Resistance
Thought Shield: Psychic Reflection
Magic Initiate: Bard


Name: Solita Raiser
Vision: Dendro
Weapon Type: Sword

Reigon: Fontaine
Constellation: Rara Avis
Birthday: 05/30




Solita is the second eldest of four siblings, the least notable of them and the one with high maintenance, due to her naivety and doormat nature for most of her childhood. She often ended up being a target to be taken advantage of and bullied. It was never intervened upon, and she never mentioned it to her family. The results and consequences often fell on her shoulders, leaving her parents quite frustrated and unsure of what to do with her most of the time.But it came back, and Solita expanded her resolve. It wouldn’t just be herself she’d fight for anymore. If she saw any sort of wrongdoing, she’d fight back. She instigated almost everyone. Solita fell into a similar spiral. She started getting more, and more intrusive thoughts. More dangerous impulses. More nights where she ended up crying herself to sleep.Ultimately, her resolve was the thing that killed her.

A child born to parents who never fully recognized their child. Always pre-occupied, or fighting with one another. The child did her best to live up to expectations and get her parents to look at her, but it only seemed to cause more problems. She was the only child of this couple, having to quietly watch the constant conflict of her household alone, feeling trapped, feeling like she was the cause of their problems. Outside of her family, she struggled with relationships, not fully understanding how to socialize with her peers.One fateful day the girl was approached by… Something. Someone. They were so kind to her. Sympathizing with her, understanding her struggles. Showing connection and kindness that she didn’t get anywhere else. They offered a deal. “If you do as I say, you’ll never be alone again.” It was a tempting deal for her, not only would she end her own solitude, maybe, just maybe, it could help her family. And so, she took their hand and left her parents behind.Starting over was a breath of fresh air. Deity always seemed to have whatever she may need, from physical to emotional needs. She was convinced they must be her guardian angel. While there were other adults who provided her, it was often through the organization of Deity. She learned everything she needed to know, and was allowed to pursue even more beyond that, as long as she followed the responsibilities they gave her. There were dire consequences for squandering them.The older she got, the more strange her circumstances became. She started having nightmares, there was a fairly wide variety, but the most common involved falling or drowning, often both. She would have random panic attacks or breakdowns, memories that didnt seem to be her own, phantom pain, and disassociating. She started developing interests in things she previously wouldn’t give the time of day. Due to her prolonged time around Deity, her consciousness started to break down. Other selves flooding her mind, especially the Origin.But, she continued the duties Deity gave her. For some reason, Deity wanted to cause the destruction of the world in which she lived, but she didn’t care anymore. If that’s what Deity wanted, it had to be what’s best. It took some years, a lot of connections, and a lot of strategy, but finally the dominoes were all in place. Pushing them and watching everything fall into place, just as she and Deity had planned.It all came to a head when Deity managed to get their hands on the Origin soul, and used her body as the vessel to contain it. She lost control of her own body, now inhabited by some forgien consciousness. A consciousness that was constantly butting heads with Deity, getting both of them in trouble. But she couldn’t do a single thing as her consciousness faded into oblivion.